Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Laughter makes Breast Milk Healthier for Babies

Nursing mom's may want to watch the hilarious I Love Lucy sitcoms before feeding time. New research has found that a mother who laughs a couple of hours before breastfeeding her baby will pass on greater health benefits to her young.

The study determined that laughing mothers' breast milk contained higher levels of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin compared to those who did not laugh. In addition to bolstering relaxation, the increased levels of melatonin was found to alleviate symptoms of eczema and allergies in babies who suffered from these ailments.

However, laughter isn't just good for babies. As modern medicine has proven and the Bible makes clear, a merry heart is good medicine. It has numerous health benefits for everyone, including:

protecting the heart
reducing stress
lowering blood pressure
elevating mood
boosting immune system
improving brain functioning
protecting the heart
connecting you to others
fostering instant relaxation
decreasing stress
strengthening the immune system
making you feel good

Journal of Psychosomatic Research June 2007;62(6):699-702 June 16, 2007

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