Thursday, August 7, 2008

Building Confidence

Confident, Optimistic people take a positive approach to life and do not interpret events negatively. If an acquintance suddenly crosses the road as they approach, for example, they attribute it to being unseen rather than deliberate avoidance. Sometimes behaving in a confident manner generates real confidence. If you hide your anxieties and act with self-assurance, people often respond by listening and assuming you know what you are talking about, which in turn reinforces your confident behavior.

Tips for confident behavior:

Visualize yourself behaving in a confident manner and practice deep breathing when you feel stressed.

When you meet someone, look at the person long enough to acknowledge him or her and then look away again.

Watch your body language. Confident people take up space and look relaxed. They don’t twitch or fiddle,hunch their shoulders, or cross their arms and legs defensively.

When you speak, take time to pause and breathe evenly throughout.

Lower your voice if you hear it rising.

Be prepared. Make notes and know your facts before going into a meeting or a difficult interview,for eg.

If you make a mistake, ask yourself “ Will this matter in ten years time?” Most things wont.

Remind yourself that the other people have better things to do than analyze your shortcomings.

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