Saturday, August 9, 2008

Avena Sativa- Oats

Avena Sativa (oats) is rich in body-building nutrients including silicon, manganese, zinc, calcium, phosphorus and Vitamins A, B1, B2 and E. In cases of sexual problems related to stress and anxiety, Avena Sativa and its compounds work as nervine relaxants to ease tension, strengthen and support the nervous system and as a tonic to promote energy to handle the stress. This helps reduce over-excitability and facilitates better sexual performance.

Possible Benefits

Boosts fertility
Improves sexual performance
Relieves performance anxiety
Helps lower triglyceride level
Promotes energy
Strengthens the heart
Reduces craving for nicotine
Facilitates the detoxification process
Good for urinary organs and ailments like fibroids and candidiasis
Aids with anxiety disorders and A.D.D.
Emphysema, lung, and immune support
Helps relieve migraine headaches
Aids digestion
Reduces water retention

Usage Guidelines
No adverse effects unless you have a gluten-sensitivity.

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