Friday, June 6, 2008

Marriage - A Psychological Approach

Those out want to get in while those in want to get out"
The most important thing in life is having a good marriage and family life; or in other words achieving an everlasting intimacy with someone of other sex remain a major life goal for most people.
Marriage. means sharing in many areas of life such as;
Economic. a sharing of the accumulation, use and distribution of money.
Emotional. a sharing of emotional and fantasy levels of life.
Geographical. sharing space time and geographical proximity.
Legal. a couple's involvement in the civil and legal process of a society
Recreational. a sharing of recreation and pleasure-involves not only a recreation together but sharing your spouse for recreation with his/her own set of companions
Religious. a sharing of beliefs ,values and traditions
Sexual. a unique sharing of the physical, sensual and sexual aspects of two people
Social a sharing of social and interpersonal activities

Love can mean anything from the expression of tender affection for someone to a passionate attachment to another person. Love is usually equated with romantic love and means a strong emotional attachment to a person of the opposite sex, a tendency to idealize that person.
Usually we are not aware of this until we meet someone of the opposite sex who closely resembles it.
When this happens, especially in love at first sight, the psychic image may be projected on to someone of the opposite sex without sufficient regard for what other person is really like. Frequently the result is misunderstanding and bitter disappointment. For this reason psychologist warn of the dangers of romantic love.

In contrast mature love is based on self love and the ability to give as well as to receive love. Loving relationship are normally achieved only through personal maturity and considerable give and take in intimate relationship.

Intimacy refers to an informal warm relationship, a close personal attachment to another person in which the partners share their innermost thoughts and feelings which help both partners to grow fully as persons.

Similarity of social characteristics remain the most reliable predictors of attraction and a lasting marriage relationship. We tend to be most compatible with someone who comes from the same background as ourselves in terms of economic status, social class, educational level and religion.
Similarities of personal characteristics; Couples with high degree of similarity in physical attractiveness, attitudes and interests, self esteems drive and neurotic tendencies move towards marriage faster than do other couples.

Men are more attracted to women with similar attitudes on sex, while women are more attracted to men with similar attitudes on religon,on the basis of personal characteristics such as intelligence, self-confidence and successfulness.

Actually we had to use our heart as well as brain and to take both emotional and rational influences in to consideration in making a wise decision about marriage.


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